Pfaffengasse 26
63739 Aschaffenburg
Germany D
Tue 10h - 20h
Wed - Sun 10h - 18h
Closed on Mondays
5 euros
3,50 euros reduced
in combination with the Christian Schad Museum
7 € admission
5,50 € reduced
Email administration
phone +49 6021 218698
fax +49 6021 3867430
On foot
All the museums are in the center of town and can be reached in a few minutes on foot. The Kunsthalle is a ten-minute walk from the central train station.
By bus
Take bus lines 1, 4, 6 or 10 (station: Stadthalle).
By car
Parking: parking garage Stadthalle or parking garage Theaterplatz
Information for visitors with disabilities:
All museum visitors presenting a valid train ticket for the day receive reduced admission.